College Council 2012-13


Primavera Arvizu
Pamela Boyles
Cindy Collier
Zav Dadabhoy
Brent Damron
Alice Desilagua
John Giertz
Nan Gomez-Heitzeberg
Sean James
Jennifer Johnson
Jennifer Marden
Edie Nelson
Cornelio Rodriguez
Meg Stidham
Nick Strobel
Ann Tatum
Janet Thomas
Sue Vaughn
SGA President
Debbie Spohn



Student Success

Become an exemplary model of student success by developing and implementing best practices.

  • Provide CurricUNET access and training for faculty
  • Enhance our students’ experience with online instruction and services
  • Develop a Skilled Certificate program for faculty and staff
  • Continue to achieve 100% participation for course and program assessments
  • Develop and implement prerequisites for general education courses
  • Leverage technology to increase completion rates
  • Focus on specific “at risk” populations


Enhance collaboration, consultation, and communication within the college and with external constituents.

  • Improve curriculum implementation and review process
  • Improve process for making technology requests
  • Develop consistent, timely, accurate and efficient forms of collegewide communication
  • Improve tracking of staff development opportunities and attendance
  • Evaluate collegewide morale and perception of communication
  • Develop and sustain partnerships with are educational institutions and businesses.

Facilities and Infrastructure

Improve maintenance of college facilities and infrastructure.

  • Increase wireless coverage on campus
  • Resolve CurricUNET Assessment module issues
  • Develop and implement multi-tiered equipment allocation process
  • Implement software to better track and prioritize maintenance needs
  • Identify collegewide learning environment and operational space needs

Oversight and Accountability

Improve oversight, accountability, sustainability and transparency in all college processes.

  • Improve Program Review processes
  • Increase variety of staff development/FLEX offerings
  • Monitor progress on Strategic Plan objectives
  • Monitor progress on Actionable Improvement Plans
  • Review college processes and provide training where needed
  • Evaluate the impact of personnel and/or program reductions


Implement and evaluate existing major planning processes.

  • Improve districtwide assessment through collaborative events
  • Ensure internal deadlines are met
  • Develop draft of Integrated Program Review
  • Take advantage of cross-committee membership to further integrate processes.
  • Evaluate college planning processes