Facilities & Sustainability Committee

To review and provide recommendations for new and improved facilities and infrastructures, to enhance current and future learning environments as well as a responsibility to maintain, sustain and renew our institution's fiscal, human and environmental resources for all current and future students, community, faculty, and staff. Communicates with College Council, Faculty Chairs, Staff and Students. Reports to the College President and to the Academic Senate.

Meeting Times

First Wednesday of the month, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM via Zoom

BC Indoor Theater Courtyard

Last Meeting

September 4, 2024

About the Committee


Reviewed and approved December, 2023.

To review and provide recommendations for new and improved facilities and infrastructures, to enhance current and future learning environments as well as a responsibility to maintain, sustain and renew our institution’s fiscal, human and environmental resources for all current and future students, community, faculty, and staff.  Reports to the College President and Academic Senate.  Communicates with College Council, Faculty Chairs, Staff and Students.

Full Committee Charge

Staff Parking Subcommittee

About the Staff Parking Subcommittee Webpage

The Facilities & Sustainability Committee approved the formation of the Staff Parking Subcommittee on March 6, 2019. This committee will examine current staff parking data, usage, and issues. They will report back to the full Committee at each meeting until their timeline has ended.

A Better BC

The Facilities & Sustainability Committee utilizes the A Better BC website to track the progress of construction updates at Bakersfield College.

Campus Commitment

The Facilities & Sustainability Committee's commitment is to review recommendations for facilities and to address our institution's environmental resources. The committee members represent all areas of the college, gather input from those areas, discuss that input within the committee, and recommend necessary actions. Please feel free to contact the representative of your area (listed in Members) to provide your suggestions.


Contact Information

Please contact Marcos Rodriguez (Facilities & Sustainability Administrative Co-Chair) or Pamela Kelley (Facilities & Sustainability Faculty Co-Chair) for more information.

Email: marcos.rodriguez@bakersfieldcollege.edu or pkelley@bakersfieldcollege.edu
Phone: (661) 395-4419