SGA Committee on Academic Affairs
The BCSGA Standing Committee on Academic Affairs is responsible for policies regarding academic reform, College academic policy, evaluation of professorships and courses, calendar issues, and library operations. Meeting Times Vary. Agendas will be posted 72 hours in advance on this page and physically at the Campus Center Building.
Meeting Times
These meetings occur on an Ad-HOC basis. Agendas will be posted 72Hrs in advance

Last Meeting
October 24, 2018
About the Committee
The Committee on Academic Affairs shall be responsible for policies regarding academic reform, College academic policy, evaluation of professorships and courses, calendar issues, and library operations. The Committee on Academics shall affect liaison with the Faculty Senate committee with similar jurisdiction, the office of the Vice President, and the Office of Admissions and Records. The Committee shall also be responsible for promotion of the Association among the Student Body, creation and distribution of materials concerning BCSGA, and communication between BCSGA and the Bakersfield community.
Contact Information
Please contact Office of Student Life for more information.
Office Location: Campus Center
Phone: (661) 395-4355