SGA Committee on Government Operations

The Committee on Government Operations shall be responsible for reviewing BCSGA Constitution and the COBRA, creating new initial interview of appointments, and all internal Senate matters. Meeting Times Vary. These meetings occur on an Ad-HOC basis. Agendas will be posted 72 hours in advance on this page and physically at the Campus Center Building.

Meeting Times

These meetings occur on an Ad-HOC basis. Agendas will be posted 72Hrs in advance

Staff and students jumping with arms raised.

About the Committee

The BCSGA Standing Committee Government Operations is responsible for reviewing bills regarding the operations of the government of the Association, resolutions proposing amendments to the SGA Constitution, formulating election procedures, considering amendments to the BCSGA Codes, and reviewing matters of controversy in Senate procedure.

Contact Information

Please contact Office of Student Life for more information.

Office Location: Campus Center
Phone: (661) 395-4355